Web3 js in practical (Part-III)

Web3 js in practical (Part-III)

API used for communication between frontend and smart contract

learn how to compile and deploy contracts using web3 js API


In web3 js (Part-II), I discussed how to compile, deploy contracts on remix IDE and interact with smart contracts using web3 js

here’s the link to web3 js (Part-II):

[Web3 js in practical (Part-II)
learn how to interact with smart contracts using web3 js APIbillypentester.medium.com](https://billypentester.medium.com/web3-js-in-practical-part-ii-937b035a8c0c "billypentester.medium.com/web3-js-in-practi..")

Now, we’ll discuss about how to generate abi, bytecode, compile, and deploy smart contracts using the web3 js library.


Some prior knowledge is required related to:

  1. Advance Javascript (async-await, arrow function)
  2. Node JS (install, import libraries, FS module)
  3. Solidity (basics)

Setup environment:

There are multiple tools and options to create and set up blockchain but here are some easy steps to set up everything quickly:

  • Initialize npm

create a folder, and open it with vs code or your editor. Type command in terminal:

npm init -y

  • Install web3 js library

npm install web3

  • Install web3-eth-contract library

npm install web3-eth-contract

  • Install solidity compiler and import file system module

const solc = require('solc')
const fs = require('fs')

  • setup blockchain

Ganache is a personal Ethereum blockchain that you can use to run tests, execute commands, and monitor transactions.

Download from here: https://trufflesuite.com/ganache/

After installation, open Ganache (quick start):


create a file “index.js” in the same folder and write some code.

Import library and initialize provider (ganache network)

const Web3 = require('web3');
const Contract = require('web3-eth-contract');
const solc = require('solc')
const fs = require('fs')

const web3 =
new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("HTTP://"));


use the ganache network (RPC server) address in HttpProvider

Read smart contract

const fileContent = fs.readFileSync('demo.sol', 'utf8').toString();

read the smart contract from the external “demo.sol” file

Structure and compile contract

var input = {

language: "Solidity",

sources: {

      "demo.sol": {

           content: fileContent,



 settings: {

      outputSelection: {

         "\*": {

            "\*": \["\*"\],





var output = JSON.parse(solc.compile(JSON.stringify(input)));

Generate ABI , bytecode and create contract instance


bytecode =

const contract = new Contract(ABI);

Deploy contract

web3.eth.getAccounts((err, accounts) => {

 defaultAccount = *accounts*\[0\];

 console.log("Default Account:", defaultAccount);


   .deploy({ data: bytecode })

   .send({ from: defaultAccount, gas: 3000000 })

   .on("receipt", (*receipt*) => {

      console.log("Contract Address:", *receipt*.contractAddress);


   .then((*demoContract*) => {



        .then(function(*result*) {

            console.log("Initial Value:", *result*);




here are the complete code files:

[web3/Part-III · billypentester/web3
follow billypentester and help him to grow communitygithub.com](https://github.com/billypentester/web3/tree/main/Part-III "github.com/billypentester/web3/tree/main/Pa..")


I discussed how to compile and deploy smart contracts using web3 js. There are many other frameworks to deploy smart contracts like hardhat, truffle, etc.

web3 js documentation: https://web3js.readthedocs.io/en/v3.0.0-rc.5/

Wait!!! It’s too much annoying to write many lines of code just to deploy smart contracts.

Use Hardhat or truffle to test, compile, and deploy smart contracts :)

here’s the link to web3 js (Part-I):

[Web3 js in practical (Part-I)
learn basics about web3 js APIbillypentester.medium.com](https://billypentester.medium.com/web3-js-in-practical-part-i-39fbbd65738b "billypentester.medium.com/web3-js-in-practi..")